Monday, January 24, 2011 | By: biltzkrieght

Fire of Hell Does not Allow to Sleep

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali has narrated:

قال مالك بن دينار قالت ابنة الربيع بن خيثم يا أبت ما لك لا تنام والناس ينامون فقال إن النار لا تدع أباك ينام

Maalik Ibnu Dinaar said: “The daughter of Ar-Rabi’u Bnu Khaytham said to her father: “O my father, why don’t you sleep, whilst everyone else is sleeping?” He said: “The Fire of Hell does not allow your father to sleep”.

["At-Takhwief min An-Naar", 37].

Friday, January 21, 2011 | By: biltzkrieght

Ibn al-Mubarak Riding on a Cold

Al-Qadhi Iyadh writes:

قال العسولي العابد: كنت مع ابن المبارك في غزاة في ليلة ذات برد ومطر فبكى. فقلت أتبكي من مثل هذا؟ فقال: إنما ابكي على ليال سلفت ليس فيها مثل هذا من الشدة لنؤجر عليها
“Al-Usuli the worshipper said: “I was with Ibn al-Mubarak raiding on a cold, rainy night. He wept and I said, ‘Are you weeping for the like of this?’ He said, ‘I am weeping for the previous nights which did not have the like of this hardship so that we could be rewarded for them.’["Tarteeb Al-Madarik", 1/102]

Ittiba' As Sunnah

Ibn Al-Qayyim said:

العمل بلا إخلاص ولا إقتداء كالمسافر يملأ جرابه رملا، يثقله ولا ينفعه
“An action done without Ikhlaas and without following the Sunnah is like a traveler whose sock becomes filled with sand, which weighs him down, and has no benefit”.
["Al-Fawaaid", 442]

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 | By: biltzkrieght


It’s narrated in Tarikh Al-Dimashq:

أسمع رجل الشعبي كلاما ، فقال له الشعبي : إن كنت صادقا ؛ فغفر الله لي ، وإن كنت كاذبا ؛ فغفر الله لك

“A man said something about Al-Shu’bee, so he replied to him by saying: If you’ve spoken the truth may God forgive me, and if you’re a liar may God forgive you”.
["Tarikh Al-Dimashq", 25/381].

When Sufyan Al-Thawri Passed Away

Imam Ad-Dhahabi writes:

عن عبد الرحمن بن إسحاق قال : لما مات سفيان الثوري حملته إلى المغتسل أغسله فحللت إزاره فإذا فيها رقعة فيها أطراف الحديث
“Abdul Rahman Ibn Ishaaq said: “When Sufyan Al-Thawri passed away, I brought him to the the mughtasil (so that he can be washed). I untangled a piece of his garment and found a sheet with ahadith written on it”.["Manaqib Sufyan Al-Thawri", 24]

Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd

Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd writes:

وأسند الخطيب عن الرحبي قال: سمعت بعض أصحابنا يقول: إذا كتب لحان، فكتب عن اللحان لحان آخر؛ صار الحديث بالفارسية

“Al-Khateeb narrated that Ar-Rahbi said: “I heard some of our peers say: “If a person who makes gramatical errors writes from another person like him, and he writes from another person like him, the hadeeth will end up in Persian!”["Hilyat Talib-ul-Ilm", 90].


Groaning of the Sinners

Al-Hafidh Ibn Rajab writes:
قال ابن رجب رحمه الله في لطائف المعارف : أنين المذنبين أحب إلى الله من زجل المسبحين
“The groaning of the sinners is more beloved to Allaah than the tasbeeh (God’s glorification) of the conceited”.
["Lata'if Al-Ma'arif", 24].